I invite you to watch the music video directed by my self and Joa kin for the Grammy nominated artist Xiomara Laugart. The clip was made through November and December last year and was released by the end of 2010.
Still images have always been part of my life and color has been an integral part of the final product in my work. Moving images, however, hold the same strength of color in the final product and have an additional aspect of color. The fact that color tones could be directed to change from each frame (by using light technique during filming and later on in the studio using color correction) highlights the idea that a clip that is made by rapidly changing still images, each one holding a particular currency of color. There are many images in a clip to put together that each tell a story, sometimes the role of an image out of the whole sequence is to the get the viewers attention for the next image.
For me dealing with color correction, after choosing the light on set, was an eye opening experience. I realized that each color, having many different tones and changing from frame to frame, could be controlled almost singularly and has the power to alter the viewer's state of mind and inform their emotional reactions.
The talent was filmed at Rose bar in Williamsburg Brooklyn. The other clips were shot in a 5th Avenue apartment that was donated by admirable patrons of the arts.
I would like to thank all of the participants for giving so much and doing such a great job.
To view the clip please click below: